Constitution of
The Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP)
- Name
- History & Aims
- The Symposium Organisation
- Academic Programme and Publication
- The Steering Committee
- Responsibilities of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
- The TFP Bank Account
- Amendments to the constitution
- Conflict of interest procedures
- Anti-harassment policy
1. Name: Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming.
2. History & Aims: The Symposium on Trends in Functional
Programming has met annually since 2003 and developed as a broadening of the
Scottish Functional Programming Workshops (1999-2001), and these in turn
developed from the Glasgow Functional Programming Workshops (1988-1998).
- The Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is dedicated to
promoting new research directions related to the field of functional
programming and to investigate the relationships of functional programming
with other branches of computer science.
- It is designed to be a platform for novel and upcoming research, combined
with a post-event refereeing process and a formal publication of selected
papers as a book. In particular we encourage young researchers to present
their work at TFP. In recognition of the extra effort spent in giving polished
presentations the programme committee of TFP each year gives out a Best
Student Paper award.
3. The Symposium Organisation: In pursuit of the aims described above,
an annual Symposium will be held.
- The location of the Symposium will be decided at least 1 year in advance,
and representatives from any University or higher education institution may
offer to host a future Symposium. The bid must also identify local organisers
including a Programme Chair. Decisions concerning the venue of a subsequent
Symposium will, normally, be made by the Steering Committee.
- The local organisers will chose the venue and timings of the symposium
(both spring and autumn are popular), and make local arrangements including
financial arrangements. TFP is a not-for-profit organisation, and the workshop
should neither earn nor lose significant sums. The TFP bank account described
below may make advances to the local organisers, will guarantee losses up to
an agreed sum, and will receive any surplus generated by the annual
4. Academic Programme and Publication
- The programme chair will invite a range of international researchers onto
the programme committee. The committee should balance research interests, gender and nationalities, and include some members of the steering committee for continuity.
- The programme chair will issue an initial call for papers inviting the
submission of short, e.g. 2-page, abstracts. The abstracts will be screened
for suitability by the programme chair, or those nominated by the chair.
- Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present at the symposium,
and to submit a paper for a draft proceedings available at the symposium.
Submitting to the draft proceedings is not mandatory.
- The programme for the Symposium will consist of presentations of accepted
abstracts and a small number of invited presentations, the latter being given
by distinguished figures from the field of functional programming.
- Final papers will be submitted shortly after the symposium, be reviewed by
the programme committee, and a selection published.
- The programme chair becomes the Symposium Chair for the TFP in the following year and provides advice.
5. The Steering Committee
- The TFP Steering Committee comprises the following members:
The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of TFP.
The programme chairs for: the most recent, current, and next Symposia.
a few additional posts.
a) No individual may simultaneously hold two (or more) offices from Chair,
Secretary, or Treasurer.
b) The Steering Committee may request that
additional representatives be co-opted to the group.
c) The Steering Committee
should represent the research interests, gender and international diversity of the Symposia.
- The Steering Committee is responsible for the long term planning of the series
and provides help for the local organisers of each symposia.
- Chair and Secretary will serve for 4 years and their election their will
be overseen by the Treasurer.
- TFP Steering Committee members serve for 4 years, and new members are elected by the committee, and may previously have served on the committee.
- To facilitate access to the UK TFP bank account, the Steering Committee must include at least 3 UK members.
- Except with the prior written approval of the Charity Commissioners no
member of the Steering Committee may:
a) receive any benefit in money or in kind from the TFP; or
b) have a
financial interest in the supply of goods or services to the TFP; or
acquire or hold any interest or property of the TFP (except in order to hold
it as a member of the Steering Committee).
6. Responsibilities of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
- The principal responsibilities of the Chair are:
a) To chair the annual Steering Committee Meeting of the Symposium.
b) To liaise with the Local Organiser(s) concerning:
suggestions for invited speakers,
support for postgraduate students,
publicising the Symposium and its activities.
- The principal responsibilities of the Secretary are:
a) To record and circulate the minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting.
b) To maintain the TFP website.
- The principal responsibilities of the Treasurer are:
a) To oversee the running of the TFP bank account.
b) To present an annual statement of the TFP accounts
at the Steering Committee Meeting of each Symposium.
c) To liaise with the Local Organiser(s) of the current
Symposium concerning financial matters.
7. The TFP Bank Account
- A Bank Account in the name of the Symposium on Trends in Functional
Programming will be maintained to hold such monies as may arise from
surpluses after the expenses of individual Symposia have been settled.
- The principal uses to which the funds held in The Account may be put are:
a) To assist in covering the expenses of distinguished
invited speakers attending the Symposium, in such
circumstances where the full cost of such exceeds
the funds available to the Local Organiser(s).
b) To assist in reducing the costs of postgraduate students
attending the Symposium for such students who do not
qualify for specific funding schemes, e.g. non-U.K.
students who are ineligible to have their costs met through
Research Council funding programmes.
c) Such other purposes as may be deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee.
- There shall be three Trustees appointed by the Steering Committe
who shall be The Account signatories, and The Account may only be
debited with the approval of at least two Trustees. Trustees may be
appointed, removed or replaced by a majority of the
Steering Committee.
- It is the Treasurer's responsibility to ensure that the bank holding
The Account is informed when there is a change of Trustee.
8. Dissolution of the TFP
- If the Steering Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to
dissolve the TFP, they shall propose a resolution to this effect to be raised
at the TFP Steering Committee. Such a resolution may not be considered for
inclusion in the Agenda unless at least 21 days' notice have been given. If
the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and
voting, the Steering Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by
or on behalf of the TFP. Any remaining assets after the satisfaction of any
proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other
charitable bodies or institutions having objects similar to those of the TFP
as may be approved by the members of the TFP.
Amendments to the constitution:
- Conflict of interest procedures
- Anti-harassment policy