TopPapers of the Scottish Functional Programming Workshop Series 1999 - 2001

Papers of the Scottish Functional Programming Workshop Series 1999 - 2001

Clem Baker-Finch. An Abstract Machine for Parallel Lazy Evaluation. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 154-161. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Deryck F. Brown, A. Beatriz Garmendia-Doval, and John A.W. McCall. A functional framework for the implementation of genetic algorithms: Comparing Haskell and Standard ML. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 27-38. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Paul Baker, Clive Jervis, and David J. King. An Industrial use of FP: A Tool for Generating Test Scripts from System Specifications. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 126-135. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Olivier Ballereau, Frédéric Loulergue, and Gaétan Hains. High Level BSP Programming: BSML and BSlambda. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 29-41. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Adam Bakewell and Colin Runciman. The space usage problem: An evaluation kit for graph reduction semantics. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 115-128. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Michelle Cope, Ian Gent, and Kevin Hammond. Parallel heuristic search in Haskell. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 65-76. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Sharon Curtis. An application of functional programming: quilting. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 145-158. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Walter Dosch and Bernd Wiedemann. List Homomorphisms with Accumulation and Indexing. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 135-144. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Karl-Filip Faxén. The costs and benefits of cloning in a lazy functional language. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 1-12. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Mark Green and Ali E. Abdallah. Interfacing Java with Haskell. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 79-89. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Stephen Gilmore. Deep Type Inference for Mobile Functions. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 41-50. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Stephen Gilmore, editor. Trends in Functional Programming, volume 2, St. Andrews, Scotland, July 2000. Intellect. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Geoffrey W. Hamilton. Extending Higher-Order Deforestation: Transforming Programs to Eliminate Even More Trees. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 25-36. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Yasushi Hayashi and Murray Cole. BSP-based Cost Analysis of Skeletal Programs. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 20-29. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Kevin Hammond and Sharon Curtis, editors. Trends in Functional Programming, volume 3, Stirling, Scotland, August 2001. Intellect. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Mercedes Hidalgo-Herrero and Yolanda Ortega-Mallén. A distributed operational semantics for a parallel functional language. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 89-102. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Félix Hernandez, Ricardo Peña, and Fernando Rubio. From GranSim to Paradise. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 11-20. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Ulrike Klusik, Rita Loogen, and Steffen Priebe. Controlling parallelism and data distribution in Eden. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 53-64. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Ulrike Klusik, Ricardo Peña, and Clara Segura. Bypassing of Channels in Eden. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 2-11. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Ralf Lämmel. Reuse by Program Transformation. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 144-154. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Ulrike Klusik, Kevin Hammond, Rita Loogen, and Phil Trinder. GpH and Eden: Comparing two parallel functional languages on a Beowulf cluster. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 39-52. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl. Load Balancing in a Parallel Graph Reducer. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 63-74. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Frédéric Loulergue. Parallel composition and bulk synchronous parallel functional programming. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 77-88. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Bruce J. McAdam. Generalising Techniques for Type Debugging. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 50-59. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Bruce J. McAdam. How to Repair Type Errors Automatically. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 87-98. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Quentin Miller. BSP in a Lazy Functional Context. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 37-50. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Bruce McAdam, Andrew Kennedy, and Nick Benton. Type inference for MLj. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 159-172. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Marco T. Morazán and Douglas R. Troeger. The MT Architecture and Allocation Algorithm. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 98-106. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Marco T. Morazan, Douglas R. Troeger, and Myles Nash. Paging in a Distributed Virtual Memory. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 75-86. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Cristóbal Pareja, Ricardo Peña, Fernando Rubio, and Clara Segura. Optimising Eden by transformation. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 13-26. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Ricardo Peña, Fernando Rubio, and Clara Segura. Deriving Non-Hierarchical Process Topologies. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 51-62. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Fethi A. Rabhi, Guy Lapalme, and Albert Y. Zomaya. A Functional Design Framework for Genetic Algorithms. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 116-126. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Dan Russell, Dominic Steinitz, and Chris Reade. Haskell: Language for Business Systems. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 1-12. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Jocelyn Sérot. CAMLFLOW: a CAML to data-flow graph translator. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 129-144. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
SFP Web Page. WWW page, June 2000.
Allen Stoughton. Infinite Pretty-printing in eXene. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 13-24. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
P. W. Trinder, G. Michaelson, and H-W. Loidl, editors. Trends in Functional Programming, volume 1, Stirling, Scotland, September 1999. Intellect. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Phil Trinder, Robert Pointon, and Hans-Wolfgang Loidl. Runtime system level fault tolerance for a distributed functional language. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 103-114. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Tarmo Uustalu and Varmo Vene. The Dual of Substitution is Redecoration. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 99-110. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Christopher D. Walton. An Abstract Machine for Memory Management. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 89-98. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Manfred Widera and Christoph Beierle. How to Combine the Benefits of Strict and Soft Typing. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 68-79. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Manfred Widera and Christoph Beierle. Detecting common elements of types. In Gilmore [Gil00], pages 173-184. ISBN 1-84150-058-5.
Manfred Widera and Christoph Beierle. Function Types in Complete Type Inference. In Hammond and Curtis [HC01], pages 111-122. ISBN 1-8410-070-4.
Gyun Woo and Taisook Han. ZG-machine: a Space-Efficient G-machine. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 106-116. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.
Jun Yang. Explaining Type Errors by Finding the Source of a Type Conflict. In Trinder et al. [TML99], pages 59-68. ISBN 1-84150-024-0.

TopPapers of the Scottish Functional Programming Workshop Series 1999 - 2001